

Welcome to the Downloadables page! Here you'll find a variety of resources, including guides, case studies, and templates, to help businesses enhance their marketing efforts. Whether you're looking for expert advice, real-life examples, or practical tools, we've got you covered. Browse through our collection and take your marketing to the next level!

Zjoosh Your Socials

Join ‘Zjoosh Your Socials’ on FaceBook, a community of (mostly) women who run small (actually, we have a few celebrities in the group who run sizeable organisations). We mainly talk about how soon is too soon to have a G&T is too soon when you work from home. You are invited to promote your business every weekend. Zjooshers have spent close to half a million dollars doing business with other Zjooshers. Yeah, we’re a pretty cool group. Just a heads up, you gotta like bread to be in the group.

The Gram

The Zjooshergram is full of marketing tips, dog pics, and shady memes.

No Fish

What it’s like to house sit fulltime. This blog is kinda out of place here and will move to another website, I’m just such a procrastinator on my OWN work that, and well, it’s first home is at Zjoosh. Subscribe for updates. And. I spill a LOTTA tea on what it’s like living in someone elses live for a bit. Hint. There are A LOT of thermomixes and messy laundries and dodgy plumbing out there in Oz.

Client Stories

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Listen, if you identify as a gender that isn't female and you think we might vibe, I am not going to say ‘no marketing for you’* if you send me a note inquiring as to my services.