Hands-On Learning

Experience the power of in-person workshops for
practical skills and networking opportunities.
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Structured In-Person Workshops for Business Growth

Our in-person workshops are designed to provide practical knowledge and hands-on experience to help businesses thrive in today's competitive landscape.

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Learning Environment

Participants can expect engaging sessions led by Head Red, where they can learn valuable strategies and tactics to elevate their business.

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Tailored Workshops for Specific Business Needs

Our workshops are customised to address the unique challenges and goals of each business, ensuring practical and actionable takeaways.

Coming to a pub/cafe/library near you!

Face-to-Face Workshops

  • 3hr Face-to-Face Workshops
  • Distilling the 'Zjoosh Your Marketing Strategy ~ 6-week Course' into a transformative 3-hour session.
  • Starting from: $1,500 (plus GST)

Topics TBC

Want something a little more.... zjoosh!?!

Bespoke Workshops

Tailored solutions for organisations and marketing groups, networking groups, and other collectives.

  • Starting from: $1,500 (plus GST)

Client Testimonials

See what our clients have to say about us.

Workshop Gallery

Get a glimpse of our engaging workshop environment

Social Media Training for Small Business Melbourne 1

Unlock Your Business's Potential

Join our in-person workshops and gain valuable insights to grow your business.


Find answers to commonly asked questions about our in-person workshops.

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Still have questions?

Contact us for more information or assistance.

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Start Your Journey With Us

Listen, if you identify as a gender that isn't female and you think we might vibe, I am not going to say ‘no marketing for you’* if you send me a note inquiring as to my services.