Unlock Your Potential

Discover our online courses and take your skills to the next level.
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The Advantages of Online Courses

Our online courses allow you to create a schedule that fits your busy lifestyle, so you can learn at your own convenience.

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Flexible Learning Schedule

With Zjoosh Your Socials, you'll have access to Head Red who will guide and support you throughout your online learning journey.

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Expert Guidance and Support

Take control of your learning with our self-paced online courses, allowing you to progress at a speed that suits you.


Learn at your own pace with
our online courses

Enrolling in our online courses is simple. Once you've signed up, you'll have immediate access to the course materials and can start learning right away.

Get your marketing 'plan on a page'!

Zjoosh Your Marketing Strategy

A 6-week adventure tailored to YOUR business. Define your Ideal Client Avatar (ICA), discover your brand's essence, harness AI, develop copywriting skills, build and manage email lists, explore old-school marketing tactics, and create a concise marketing 'plan on a page.'

  • Limited to 10 spots!
  • $1,200 (plus GST)

Client Testimonials

See what our clients have to say about us.


Discover what our customers have learned and achieved through our online courses

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Start Your Journey With Us

Listen, if you identify as a gender that isn't female and you think we might vibe, I am not going to say ‘no marketing for you’* if you send me a note inquiring as to my services.